A.2.1 Roles & Responsibilities

  1. Establish Team Responsibility: Dev teams MUST be responsible for the security of their own code and applications (see Roles).

  2. Ensure Adequate Prioritization: Product Owners are responsible for prioritizing security measures for their products based on risk assessment and compliance obligations.

  3. Implement Guardrails: Dev teams SHOULD manage their own security within predefined boundaries.

  4. Appoint Security Champions: Dev teams CAN appoint a security champion (see Roles).

  5. Ensure Security Know-How: It MUST be ensured that everyone involved in the development process possesses sufficient security knowledge for their particular role:

    • Security Onboarding: New developers & teams MUST receive a security onboarding.
    • Security Training: Role-specific security training or coaching SHOULD be provided to team members, including secure coding training for developers.

A.2.2 Security Planing

  1. Manage Security Requirements: Functional and non-functional security requirements MUST be identified, rated, documented, prioritized, and incorporated into the planning process (e.g., the product backlog) accordingly.

  2. Assess Security of New Features: Dev teams MUST assess every new feature regarding their potential security impact (= their security relevance[^1)) before they are allocated for development (e.g.assigned to a sprint).

    • This assessment MAY be conducted informally by a team if it gained sufficient expertise.
    • Teams MAY define their own criteria for security relevance.
    • Agile teams SHOULD integrate corresponding criteria in their Definition of Ready (DoR) discuss security relevance in refinement meetings and take necessary security efforts (e.g. for verification) into account for the estimation of a story.
    • Threat models and risk classes MUST be reviewed and updated if affected by a feature (e.g. in case of changes in security controls or architectural change in general).
    • A suitable acceptance criteria (e.g. review by security champion, update of security documentation) MUST be defined for all security-relevant requirements and changes. Agile teams SHOULD integrate corresponding criteria into their Definition of Done (DoD).

A.2.3 Secure Design

  1. Embrace Security Principles: Wherever possible, security requirements SHOULD be addressed at the architectural level instead of the code layer and according to B.1 - Secure Design Principles.

  2. Use Mature Technologies: Applications and services SHOULD prioritize and utilize established security features, languages, and frameworks.

  3. Implement Secure Defaults: Use secure defaults where possible to foster the use of secure settings.

  4. Conduct Threat Modeling: For applications and services with risk class >= [HIGH]:
    • A threat modeling session MUST be conducted prior to the start of implementation.
    • The threat model MUST be documented with mitigations and be incorporated into, or referenced from, the security architecture concept (see below).
    • The identified mitigation measures MUST be rated and handled as potential security requirements (see A.2.2 Security Planing)
    • The threat model MUST be reviewed with every architectural change.
  5. Define the Security Architecture: For risk class >= [HIGH], a documented security architecture MUST describe relevant (technical & business) security requirements, invariants, threats and controls of the respective business application and subject of the architecture gate (see A.2.7 Security Gates).

  6. Review Security Decisions: Design decisions with severe security implications SHOULD be regularly questioned and discussed.

A.2.4 Secure Implementation

  1. Utilize Source Control: All source code changes MUST be committed to a source code management (SCM) system, such as Git.

  2. Enforce Branch Protection: For master/main branches, protected branch rules MUST be enforced.

  3. Perform Peer Reviews: For applications and services with risk class >= [HIGH], every commit to a protected branch MUST be reviewed by a second developer of the responsible team (e.g. via pull/merge request approvals) and include an assessment of security aspects.

  4. Sign Commits: Business-critical applications SHOULD sign commmits to protected branches.1

  5. Implement Security Controls: The implementation MUST adhere to Part B: Secure Implementation Controls.

  6. Verify Secure Implementation: Correct implementation of security requirements MUST be verified and defects managed according to requirements specified in A.3 - Security Tests).

A.2.5 Secure Build & Deployment

  1. Define a Formal Process: A formal definition of the build and deployment process MUST be defined to ensure consistency, repeatability, and automation.

  2. Secure Pipelines: Access to build and deployment systems and security of pipelines MUST be secured according to the requirements at A.1.3 Pipeline Security.

  3. Automate Security Checks: Automated security checks MUST be integrated into the build and deployment processes in accordance with the requirements specified in A.3.3 Automated Security Scans.

  4. Enforce Security Policy: A security policy MUST be enforced at a release gate according to A.2.7 Security Gates.

  5. Protect Secrets: Secrets SHOULD be injected during the deployment process in accordance with the requirements at B.11 - Protection of Secrets.

  6. Implement a Pull-Based Deployment Model: Deployment pipelines SHOULD implement a pull-based model2.

  7. Create SBOMs: A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) MUST be created for all build and release artifacts.

  8. Sign Artefacts: For risk class >= [HIGH], all deployed artifacts (including SBOMs) MUST be cryptographically signed3. Signatures SHOULD be automatically verified.

  9. Verify Provenence: For risk class = [VERY HIGH], provenance and signatures of deployed artifacts MUST be automatically verified.

A.2.6 Securing Third-Party Dependencies

This section applies to third-party dependencies, both backend and frontend, intended for use in the production environment.

  1. Use Approved Repositories: Third-party dependencies MUST only be obtained via internal or approved4 repositories. This MAY include proxy repositories. Exceptions are permitted only for isolated test environments. For risk class = [VERY HIGH], proxy repositories MUST NOT be used.

  2. Use Approved Dependencies: Before a new 3rd-party dependency can be used in prod, it MUST be approved by the architecture board or respective community of practice. This requirement does not affect new releases of a dependency that has already been approved.

  3. Update Dependencies: Dependencies SHOULD be updated regularly, ideally through an automated process and before end-of-life.5

  4. Use Software Composition Analysis (SCA): 3rd-party dependencies must be continuously tested according requirements at A.3.3 Automated Security Scans.

  5. Perform End-of-Life Scans: Automated scans for end-of-life of dependencies SHOULD be implemented.6

  6. Pin Dependencies: “Latest” releases MUST generally be avoided. For business-critical applications or services, 3rd-party dependencies MUST be pinned using checksums or cryptographic signatures.

A.2.7 Security Gates

  1. Initial Project Kick-Off:
    • New projects that are either implementing new applications or services, or that plan to change existing ones MUST conduct a security kick-off from the IT security function before they are allowed to be started.
    • As part of this kick-off, the IT security function CAN specify the risk class with the project and may define security controls that have to be implemented or security activities that have to be conducted by the project.
  2. Architecture Approval:
    • New architectures, or substantial changes to existing ones, MUST be approved by the IT security function and respective architecture function before initial implementation is allowed to begin.
  3. Release Gate:
    • Initial releases (go live) for risk class >= [HIGH], MUST pass a security sign-off by the IT security function before they are allowed to be deployed in the prod environment.
    • Releases SHOULD be automatically tested against a security policy before deployment in the prod environment to prevent deployment of artifacts with severe security violations.
    • Security findings MUST be mitigated or managed before a new application release is allowed to be deployed in a prod or pre-prod:
      • For risk class >= [HIGH], findings with criticality >= [MEDIUM] (or CVSS7 v3 score >= 5.0)
      • For risk class < [HIGH], findings with a criticality >= [HIGH] (or CVSS7 v3 score >= 7.0)
    • Violation of release requirements MUST necessitate approval (e.g., risk acceptance) to be overruled.
    • Gate policies and checks SHOULD be transparent (e.g. via policy as code), enabling dev teams to continuously assess their code against it to avoid impediments in the release process.
  1. Commits made through the UI are typically signed using a technical user, which is acceptable because the UI itself enforces secure authentication for the developer. 

  2. A pull-based model refers to a deployment strategy where deployment systems pull updates from a central repository rather than having updates pushed to them. See https://itnext.io/gitops-pull-based-vs-push-based-959c50feca78 

  3. e.g. using sigstore cosign 

  4. Approval by the IT security function or Architecture COP. Approval should be based on vetting criteria like OpenSSF Scorecard

  5. E.g. using Renovate or Dependabot 

  6. One tool to accomplish this is xeol

  7. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is a framework for rating the severity of security vulnerabilities. See Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) v3  2